2010 is proving to be the snowiest year on record, just in case you haven't noticed! Northeast Ohio got hit last night for the third time; Old Man Winter must have some bad karma on us. Or is it good karma?
There are some definite pros to having two feet of snow on the ground. It's certainly prettier to look at and live with than two feet of rain - no mud or flooded basements! We have gigantic icicles hanging from the roof that are on the verge of turning into a solid ice wall, rather decorative. Trees are weighted down with the stuff, and no longer look so barren. As I've been saying for almost two years now, happiness in winter is a Nordic dog! Xavier and I take off running through the white landscape at least once a day. Well, I try painfully to run, and he just does the kangaroo hop! When he's in the kennel run, he has to make at least three snow angels. He's finally decided to keep a longer winter coat - less shedding in the house.
As for the cons? Driving is a nightmare. Nancy gave us the day off today, which means I won't be grooming until Thursday. Those icicles are at the right height where I can smack my head right into them!
Seems like there's a lot more good that the snow brought than bad. I'd say the cons are frustrations, but they'll soon pass, once the roads are clear again. After that, I'll be grooming, playing with Xavier, and enjoying hot chocolate at the end of a fulfilling day.
Most people I know can't stand the snow in the least. If there's such a thing as past lives, I'd be willing to bet I was a Viking!