Before things got too wild, my first class was all about reiki. I was expecting a presentation on pet massage, but it turned out to be a brief introduction to energy work. I do believe that there is some merit to reiki, but I just can't seem to get past the "new age" aspect of it. I believe that we are all one in the same and can influence things with the right techniques and materials, but I prefer to use methods that are grounded more in science. Guess I'm just a dork like that, haha.
After dragging boxes of shampoos back to the room, it was time for Scott Wasserman's presentation on the Kerry Blue Terrier. I'm not sure which I was more impressed with: the gorgeous trim he put on the dog, or the fact that she was ten years old!
The last class went a little slow for me. It was a presentation on Sporting breeds by Jodi Murphy and Diane Betelak. They covered every single sporting breed, and presented the sporting jacket and sporting saddle patterns at the tail end. The Power Point presentation was a little heavy; I was hoping to see more of how to set the patterns. It was a nice review though.
I met up with Sharon at the show's close. We went to dinner with other groomers she met, all of them friends of Dawn Omboy. The waiter at the Outback was a charmer, plus we got a free appetizer from the night before. A good start to an increasingly wild night...
Then came Chuck's alcohol-fueled dance party at the Holiday Inn! Dawn was already there, and was already drinking. So I decided, what the hell, and went straight for the cash bar. Got Kahlua? Nope. Got any amber beer? Nope. Jack and coke? Third time's the charm! I ran outside, glass in hand, saying, "You guys are really in trouble now, I'll be flying soon!" Then I told the story about how the night before I graduated grooming school, I had three of those bad boys. More drunken groomer stories emerged, and the party temporarily moved out into the hallway!
When we went into the conference room with the DJ, dance floor, and party lights, the tail end of rap was coming to an end. A little Bob Seeger and Cottoneyed Joe ushered in a storm of dancing groomers. Plus, it didn't hurt that most of us had just downed our drinks and were feeling happy! The air was filled with Madonna, Rick James, MJ, KC and the Sunshine Band, and other
party anthems throughout the night. Mostly, I just remember busting moves like no one's business, then bumping into Judge Joey in the hallway and announcing, "Hey! Judge Joey! I'm dancin' my ass off!" Drunk groomers are the best ;)
Even after the music stopped, we continued the party as we walked back to our respective rooms, calling each other awesome. As I said, drunk groomers are the best! It's almost surprising that all of us were able to function just fine on Monday, the final day already!
The day began on an extremely pleasant note. Hayley Keyes, president of IPG, gave a presentation on belligerent dogs. After the "experience" at Groom Expo, I was hesitant to take any class that was geared towards handling. However, Hayley used pressure points to help stabilize a biting Cocker Spaniel. Her handling was gentle and professional, the dog slowly relaxed: a true moment of zen. It was a surprise that I welcomed wholeheartedly. In fact, I went over to the IPG booth to personally thank her.
I ran into my trade show buddy Poodle. When I told him I'd be back, he walked over to someone else. Ah, I see how it is! ;)
Another Poodle held my attention near the Davis booth. Irena Pinkusevitch put on a demo about Poodle tricks. When she suggested using chunkers on the legs instead of shears, I knew that I was meant to have those shiny new Osters! ;)
Afterward, I ran into Judge Joey and asked him if he had any downtime. We were to meet up after my last class on the Bichon Frise, hosted by Vero DaSylva. She began the class by giving us a pep talk about entering the competition ring and how difficult it can get, because once you hit level three "everyone theenks you are beetch... and zey are right!"
Ooh la la... Bichon!
While the class was very helpful, it ended up running long. By the time it let out and I ran into Joey again, it was time to start breaking things down. He gave me a hug and apologized for not being able to talk. He definitely said it best: "Things are crazy!" Seems like every show I go to gets crazier and wilder. Guess that means I'm growing! Now I'll have to chase after him at Hershey ;)
After saying my goodbyes and making one more round through the booths, I couldn't help but feel a little sad. I'm never ready for when a trade show comes to an end. With one last look at the expo floor, which would soon be completely clear once again, I felt an intense burst of satisfaction; Intergroom 2011 was perhaps one of the most fun shows I've been to so far, and things are only looking up. Who knows what adventures are waiting for me?
As I was loading up the Puppy Waggin' with all of my new treasures, the radio was playing Frank Sinatra's New York New York. It was fitting, even though I didn't visit the city itself. I'm making a brand new start for myself in the world of grooming, and I'm going to make it! This show confirmed it. I'm not where I thought I'd be, but I'm right where I ought to be!
...and I couldn't help but feel a little teased when my GPS tried to take me through Hershey. Not until September!! ;D