Tosha and I originally planned to go to Chocolate World, but all of Hershey's attractions were shut down. Huge bummer, especially considering that today is also my birthday. We grabbed a coffee and talked in the lobby instead, viewing sights including screaming toddlers and other groomers. Another groomer came a day earlier for her daughter's birthday, also today. Since they couldn't really do anything, that's two birthdays threatened to be wrecked!
We didn't let the canceled trip get us down though. Lunch at Bear's Den followed by a Chris Christensen seminar put us back in the Groom Expo spirit. I enjoyed the class, but I feel like I would've enjoyed it more if the Q&A was saved for the end. Y'all know how I feel about people just randomly yelling out stuff. Like my two-legged muse once said, "Shut up, listen, and learn!" Hehe! :3
Anyway, Thursday night also meant the Internet Social! Dawn couldn't make it this year, so I, Tosha, Ellen Ehrlich, and many others help bring it all together. And who should happen to come along and help out with the prizes but good ol' Jorge! He hasn't changed a bit, claiming that the sets of Breathe Healthy masks that were donated to the raffle would keep hair out of your lungs, but not your panties! Some things never change! :)
He's "Jorgelicious"!!
All of the money we raised in the raffle is going to Missy Arnold, a groomer battling breast cancer. Tickets sold out within half an hour! I was able to score two gallons of Tropiclean shampoo, and a shedding supplement for Xavier! At the end of the raffle, I got on the mic and gave Dawn a shout-out, then invited everyone to have some cake:
After all, my friends should all have cake on my birthday!
Overall, all things considered, it's been a good start to the show. Hopefully the rest of the flood waters are receding and everyone can make it here safely!
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