Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Things are getting interesting this week! So far we have three new people with us... well, four, but one quit. Anyway, there's a new air of excitement in the classroom. I hope that part of it came from me introducing myself to everyone beforehand as well as saying that they could come to any of us for help whenever they needed it. I think I would've liked to hear that more from my fellow students my first day.

Tim is no longer the only guy in the school as he now has Novi (from Serbia) and David to back him up - and he's already let fly with a few lines he's been saving, haha!

Right now the big concern is tables - not everyone will have their own this week! Talk about a full house!

As for me? I had a project and a half today: a severely matted Cock-A-Poo named Bella. I find it inexcusable and appalling that the first dog I ever groomed, a puppy mill rescue Poodle, had less mats than she did! If Mommie and Daddie want her to have a long coat someday, might I recommend that they make an effort to brush her once in a while?

...whew. OK, I feel a little better now. Bella did too, once I got her "straight jacket" off. At least we were able to save her ears, beard, and topknot; I was pretty impressed at how cute I made her face look, despite the large divots in her coat from de-matting!

Whaddaya think?

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