Monday, October 19, 2009

Two Down

Hard to believe that it's already been two weeks since I first arrived here and began at Nash. I definitely noticed improvements in my techniques, and I'm excited to say that this week I get to use my clippers more. Wait, why am I not down there banging on the doors to be let in and groom? Haha!

There were some definite toughies this week. It's like I say: dogs can and will make fools of us all! I was defeated by a Pug with a deep-seated hatred of nail clipping. Perhaps that's where the term "pugnacious" comes from? I agree with Tim on this one: it should state that resentment for nail care in the breed standard!

At least Rocky the Pug wasn't like Princess, an elderly Maltese with an automatic bite response to anything that came near her feet. I got nailed twice! The Groomer's Helper (thanks again Chuck!) saved my hands from demise. In the tub, she was a real sweetheart, even for her feet! Was it a matter of an environment change, or just the fact that she was all wet? Haha!

I didn't know that a correct Golden Retriever coat is synonymous with "dense"! None of the Goldens back home can ever compare to miss Maggie's extreme coat, hiding mats and preventing a comb from being dropped through it! At least I got her head symmetry in perfect balance. I'm well on my way if I can do that successfully!

Again on the topic of dogs making fools of us, I've learned that I have some breed stereotypes. Labs back home are, nicely put, hillbillies! So whenever I see a Lab come in, I can't help but prepare myself for wigglies, drool, noise, and--of course--extreme smells. Of the Labs I've worked on so far, I've seen none of these. They are almost reserved and regal in temperament, a nice change from the rowdies I'm used to. They've made me feel humbled in a sense. As humans, our ability and need to categorize everything down to a T is undoubtedly one our greatest attributes, and simultaneously one of our biggest downfalls. See what I mean? Dogs DO make fools of us! At least this was a learning experience, as well as a pleasant surprise; I'm viewing Labs in a new light.

Picture time!
Check back next week for clipper work! Yeah!!

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